Vive Terms and conditions
Thank you for visiting this vive SPANISH website at The company name of vive SPANISH is GC. Mediterranean Services, S.L. and is a company incorporated in Spain. The registered address of the company is Calle Guardia Civil, 30-Bajo derecha, 46020 Valencia-Spain and our CIF number is B13948971. The address of our school is vive SPANISH Calle Guardia Civil, 30-Bajo derecha, 46020 Valencia-Spain.
1. Course availability and suitability
Every attempt will be made to place you on the course of your choice. In the event of insufficient applications for a course, the school reserves the right to offer an alternative course of equal value. Please note that final confirmation of participation in the course will be subject to the demand for each level. In the unlikely event of vive SPANISH being unable to run a student’s chosen course, they will be offered an alternative course of equivalent value.
Should your course not be at a suitable level we will seek to accommodate you, subject to availability, in a different class. To accommodate this change, we will need to receive written notification on or before the last working day which falls during the first week of the enrolled course.
Courses take place either Online or at our school. Please check specific course pages for exact details. Class times and course content are as advertised on the website.
Our minimum publicised age for our courses is 18. vive SPANISH reserves the right to admit under 18s on integrated courses providing appropriate risk assessments and safeguarding measures have been carried out. Closed group provision for students of any age can be made on request.
Student attendance and holidays
Students must attend all timetabled classes regularly and to call or notify us in case of absence or late arrival. 75% attendance is required to be eligible for any of the certificates.
If the student misses 15 consecutive days of classes, the school will not make any refund and the course will be cancelled. Even if the absence has been justified, with sufficient advance notice and duly communicated (email or WhatsApp), the school does not guarantee that the student can be located in the same group and/or level in which he/she was when he/she was absent.
It is the student’s obligation to give the school at least 5 days’ notice of the exact date of their return. In order to disrupt and damage as much as possible the progress of students who do attend classes regularly, if the student who is absent does not give notice of his or her reinstatement, he or she will assume the risk that there will be no vacancies in any of the groups that are open at that time and will not be able to re-join classes until the school notifies him or her of his or her possible reinstatement.
Specific terms for the 1-year intensive, for ELE and for ELE+ PCE
September to December: Regular classes, 20 hours per week.
December to January: Christmas vacation (1-2 weeks).
January to March/April: Regular classes. 20 hours per week.
March/April: Easter Vacation (1-2 weeks).
April to July: Regular classes. 20 hours per week.
August: Summer vacation or schedule adjustment (one month).
The specific days during the vacation periods described above can be agreed upon with the student.
The student may also choose, during vacation periods, extracurricular or cultural activities when the center has them scheduled, with the conditions of each activity (some free and others with independent cost of the course).
Holidays in accordance with the working calendar published on the web.
Public holidays
Both the Christmas holidays and national and local holidays are published on our website from the beginning of each year. During those days, the centre will be closed and There will be no compensation for these days.
01/01/24 06/01/2024, 22/01/2024, 19/03/2024, 28/03/2024, 29/03/2024 01/04/2024, 08/04/2024, 01/05/2024, 15/08/2024, 16/08/2024, 09/10/2024, 12/10/2024, 01/11/20234 06/12/2024, 08/12/2024
The school will be closed for Christmas holidays between 23/12/2024 and 06/01/2025 included.
The following dates are a bank holiday so the school will remain closed
01/01/2025 – New Year’s Eve
06/01/2025 – Three King’s Day
19/03/2025 – St. Joseph’s Day
21/04/2025 – Easter’s Monday
01/05/2025 – Labour’s Day
15/08/2025 – Virgin’s Assumption Day
09/10/2025 – Comunidad Valenciana Day
08/12/2025 – Inmaculada
25/12/2025 – Christmas Day
Moreover, the school will remain closed for Christmas holidays between 22/12/2025 – 06/01/2026 (including both)
Specific terms for the 1-year intensive, for ELE and for ELE+ PCE (See section “Student attendance and vacations”).
Code of conduct
In the case of serious misconduct, the student may be requested to leave immediately, in which case no refund will be made. vive SPANISH will be the sole arbiter of what constitutes a serious misconduct. All students adjudged guilty of serious misconduct will be required to pay for any damage caused.
Students behave with respect and consideration to the other students, the staff and take care of the equipment they use.
Any actions on the part of any student that go beyond the exclusively academic barrier and in which the teachers may feel that they are invading their personal sphere will be considered as disruptive behaviour on the part of the student.
2. Course booking
Enrolment procedures
On our website, by e-mail, by WhatsApp or through an official representative of vive SPANISH
By Credit Card
By bank transfer
Payment of fees
All courses require full and upfront payment. An invoice or payment link will be raised and sent to you. We do not allow students that owe any fees to attend the class or to enter the classroom. Your place is not confirmed until the full course fees have been received. Where payment via bank transfer is made you are responsible for any associated bank transfer fees not borne by vive SPANISH. Enrolling students with an outstanding balance will be asked to make full payment before being admitted to their course. vive SPANISH reserves the right to suspend the student from any course should any outstanding fees be owed post arrival.
Any unpaid course bookings are not considered confirmed until the full fees are paid, and no official course documentation is issued without remittance of full course fee payment.
In the the case of any discounts or promotions offered by the school on any of the courses, the school will set a time limit for the student to attend those classes from the date of payment of the course.
3. Cancelling your booking – Group classes
For students with a D-type visa or renewal, which necessarily requires an official invitation from the school:
The only condition for cancelling the course will be the visa refusal and following the procedure below:
1. The student send the refusal to the school.
2. The student appeals and with the sudent´s permission, the School sends a recommendation letter to the Embassy in order to help the student get it.
3. If after this the Embassy again refuses to issue the visa, the School will return 90% of the course cost after the official confirmation of the refusal, if the student has already paid the course, but the registration deposit + visa expenses will not be refunded.
If the student refuses to come to School after receiving a student visa, no refund will be made, and the School will also report the situation to the Embassy of Spain.
If the reasons for any of the denials were “when to substantiate the request, false documents or inaccurate allegations have been presented, or there is bad faith” (art. 39.9 b) 2 del R.D.), or other types of circumstances not inherent to our centre, there will be no refund.
For students without a D-Type visa or renewal
-All cancellations must be notified in writing to vive SPANISH.
-For cancellations made up to a month before the course is due to start, vive SPANISH will refund all fees paid apart from the registration fee (160€).
-In case a cancellation is made two weeks (14 days) or less before the course is due to start, vive SPANISH will not return the cost of the course and/or accommodation. However, the student will always be able to use the purchased training hours in the future, within one calendar year.
-In the case of upfront payment courses (4.950€) per year or special discounts), if a student decides to leave any of these courses, they must notify the school in writing, explaining the reasons. From that moment on, the student will have the possibility of recovering the hours paid and not consumed, during an academic year counted from the moment of the written communication. In these cases there is no possibility of any refund.
-The school reserves the right to cancel courses when insufficient bookings are made and to change students to other courses. If such a change happens, a full refund of fees, excluding the enrolment and visa papers fees, will be made if requested instead.
4. Postponement
You can postpone the start date if you notify the school at least 7 days before the start of the course. All charges will be transferred to a later date.
5. Bespoke courses and 1:1 tuition
The private lessons must be paid at least 7 calendar days before the start of these classes.
Cancellations: If they are communicated more than 24 hours before the start of the class, the student does not miss that class. In the case of being communicated less than 24 hours in advance, that class is lost and deducted from the contracted lessons.
All cancellations must be communicated by WhatsApp or by email in the contacts listed on the website.
Download all the terms and conditions of our private lessons at this link L2_PRIVATE LESSONS-CONDITIONS
6. Force Majeure
In the event of ‘force majeure’, such as fire, flooding, pandemic, infectious diseases and other events outside our reasonable control which may cause the closure of the school, no refund of fees will be made to students, except at the school’s discretion in exceptional circumstances.
7. Insurance
Students are not insured by vive SPANISH against illness, accident, theft, damage or loss of personal belongings and therefore the school cannot assume responsibility in such cases.
Before coming, you should check whether your country has health agreements with Spain. If this is the case, you should obtain the forms and documentation before leaving your country. (European Community citizens are covered by the Spanish National Health System against accidents and illnesses. Non-EU citizens must have an international health insurance policy that is valid for Spain).
Medical insurance is essential for all students, but we also recommend full private insurance (travel, cancellation, loss of property, etc.) Make sure your insurance covers all possible emergencies.
8. Disclaimer
Changes to curses and changes to prospectus information
vive SPANISH has made every effort to ensure that the course information provided is both helpful and accurate as at the date of publication. However, some changes, for example to courses, facilities or fees may become necessary due to legitimate staffing, financial, regulatory and academic reasons. vive SPANISH will endeavour at all times to keep any changes to a minimum and to keep students informed appropriately. For this reason, it is particularly important that you should check the website for updates or contact vive SPANISH using the contact details contained on our website.
9. Copyright
This site and its content are protected by copyright. The content of this website may be viewed, printed or downloaded for personal, non-commercial use only. It is not to be modified, reproduced, transmitted, published or otherwise made available in whole or in part without the prior written consent of vive SPANISH. In no event shall any user of this website use the name or logo of vive SPANISH or any of its trademarks, other than with the express written consent of an authorised representative of vive SPANISH.
10. Complaints
Any complaint made about any material available on vive SPANISH´s website or information relating to the school contained on external Internet sites will be addressed as soon as possible. These terms and condition represent the entire agreement between the parties in regard to the use of the website. vive SPANISH in its sole discretion is entitled to alter or amend the website and the terms and conditions without notice. Information contained on the website may be subject to conditions and/or disclaimers as indicated.
11. Accommodation
· Our school only participates as a mediator between students and families or accommodation companies to facilitate accommodation for our students. The school only participates as a depository of the payment made by the students and which is subsequently paid to the families or accommodation companies. Therefore, any disagreement on the part of the student with the accommodation or in the event of any legal action being taken, must be addressed directly to the owner or company that provided the service and from which our school is completely dissociated. However, in the mediation service that our school provides, we are committed to helping the student find new accommodation without any financial charge.
· The school will provide the students’ details to the families or accommodation companies at the time of booking this service (name and surname, nationality, age, special requests, date and time of arrival and departure, flight number, contact and emergency telephone number, etc.). It will also provide students who have made the reservation with information about the assigned accommodation (address, name and contact number of the host)
· Students will be asked to sign the documentation relating to their accommodation, as requested by the accommodation companies.
· vive SPANISH will include in the proforma invoice or budget of the course requested by the student the part corresponding to the chosen accommodation, also including the amount that the student has to pay as a deposit (if applied).
· The host family or company will contact the student shortly before arrival in order to provide important information such as key collection, door opening codes, schedules, etc.
· In the event that the student is not satisfied with the accommodation chosen, the reasons will be analysed and the school will evaluate the possibility of changing the accommodation, provided there is availability.
· The managers of each of the accommodations will inform the students about the cancellation policies.
Download the specific conditions for each type of accommodation in this link ACCOMMODATION CONDITIONS