How to deal with long absences (illness, travel, holidays)?


If the student misses 15 consecutive days of classes, the school will not make any refund and the course will be cancelled. Even if the absence has been justified, with sufficient advance notice and duly communicated (email or WhatsApp), the school does not guarantee that the student can be located in the same group and/or level in which he/she was when he/she was absent.
It is the student’s obligation to give the school at least 5 days’ notice of the exact date of their return. In order to disrupt and damage as much as possible the progress of students who do attend classes regularly, if the student who is absent does not give notice of his or her reinstatement, he or she will assume the risk that there will be no vacancies in any of the groups that are open at that time and will not be able to re-join classes until the school notifies him or her of his or her possible reinstatement.